
  • 密码保护:小猫
  • Baby,I hope you are one of them~

    It seems to be a tradition that I would write something about a movie when you are away. It’s just I have made up my mind that, if I take one and a half hour to see a movie, I should leave some thoughts in words, Since I have so much things I should do first. So here I am.

    God knows how much I love musical. From old days’ “Singing in the rain”, “Bathing beauty” to nowadays “Hairspray”, “Once”, “Pitch”, even “High school musical” and “Glee”, every time I watch these movies I can not help turning the corners of the lips up. I am not that kind of emotional person. But the music is the one of very few things to make me feel joy.

    Back the to movie, for a musical, the song is just so so. The singing of the actress is really normal. But the idea is so moving that a batch of people gather together making a record just for fun. It’s not that I pin my dreams to you. I just want you master some instruments like keyboard or guitar, not for grade examination, not for competition, just for that you can have a chance to choose in the future. Just like the people in this movie, when life is getting ugly, you can have something interesting to focus on . And I hope you can be one of them.

  • “垫底辣妹” -You can if you want to SAFR-12+

    一直想给辰辰列一个电影推荐清单,虽然辰辰目前还是一听到电影就完全抗拒。最近突然看到了一篇这部电影的推文:一西安妹子在高中遭遇家庭变故后,突然发奋从学渣到考上清华的经历。那就从这部开始吧。这部电影分级为SAFR-12+(SAFR is for suitable age for Raisin)。记忆中没啥儿童不宜的镜头(没时间再看一遍啦~~),但是电影中关于决定以及决定之后的责任太小年纪可能体会不到。想象应该在初二或高二的暑假陪辰辰一起看这部电影,正好可以助燃一把!!!


    我说过很多浅显易懂的道理,我却是到了很大年纪才明白:比如看着别人的完美总以为多是天赋使然,但是却到了很老才明白常常的情况是“practice make perfect”。其实很简单的,定一个目标,然后努力最好是偏执的完成它,真是一个多么简单的事情。但是事实往往是我没有目标;或是好不容易有一个很模糊的目标,但我对于事情能否完成并没有迫切的关心。但是这并不说我没有努力过~~只是由于目标不明确+缺乏偏执完成的决心,使得我所谓的努力往往是文不对题或是方向性错误:





    Anyway, my point is, 驱动力往往比努力还要来的有实际效用,对于一个从来没啥明确目标、缺乏耐心+whatever works的妈妈来说,辰辰你可能不能指望太多,希望在你的人生重要关口能够找到能使你偏执努力一把的驱动力。好吧,说到底还是自己太懒,这篇文都是去年十月差个结尾一直拖到现在~~~

  • “我,花样女王”


    P.S. 一届奥斯卡出了无数母亲的角色,有:上访妈、无爱妈、日常有爱妈、高知开放妈……当妈的真是压力山大啊~~~一有性格缺陷就会往亲子关系上带:(






  • 你想活出怎样的人生




    “……无论是谁,个人经验总是有限的。人类拥有语言,因此可以将自己的经验分享给他人,也可以倾听了解他人的经验。而且人类发明了文字,可以通过书籍互相传递经验,并对比不同的人在不同场合的经验,从各方面汇总。这样尽可能多方面地汇总经验,以不冲突的方式整合在一起,就是做学问。可以说,各种学问都是将人类至今为止的经验汇总起来形成的。人们从前一个时代继承经验,在此基础上再积累新的经验,才能从与野兽无异的状态进化到今天。如果每个人都像猿猴一样重新再来一遍,就永远都会和猿猴一样,绝对无法达到今天的文明。因此我们要尽可能钻研学问,从人类积累至今的经验中获得知识,否则耗费再大的精力也没用。在此基础上,竭尽全力解决人类发展至今仍然无法解决的问题,在这样的条件下产生的发现,オ是人类真正的发现,才能被称为伟大。” 我想你已经明白了学习的必要性,不需要我再多说什么了。如果想获得伟大的发现,首要任务就是拼命学习,登上这个时代的学问顶峰,然后在顶峰上工作。但是,为了在顶峰上工作,为了登上顶峰。小哥白尼,你要牢记,不能丢失你半夜醒来后对疑问穷追不含的精神。


    “人习惯以自己为中心思考、判断事物;即使长大了,这种特性同样根深蒂固。等你长大了就会明白,在广大的世界上,能完全改掉以自己为中心思考的习惯的人,其实非常稀少。尤其碰到事关利害得失的时候,要跳脱自己的立场作出正确的判断,实在很难。面对利害得失如果还能抱持像哥白尼那样的想法,可说是非常了不起。大多数人往往陷入自私的想法,所以看不清真相,只看得到对自己有利的事。 如果人一直坚信地球是宇宙的中心,恐怕就无法了解宇宙真正的样貌;同样地,总是以自我为中心判断事物,也会让人不了解周遭事物的真相。这种人一定看不清重大的真理。平时我们当然会说是太阳升起、落下。有关这些日常的事物,按照习惯这么说并无大碍。不过,如果想了解宇宙的重大真理,就得舍弃那样得想法。世上其他事物其实也一样。”


    “重要的不是世俗的眼光或其他,而是你自己必须从灵魂深处了解人到底是什么地方了不起。然后,必须激发自己的向上心,打从心底想成为了不起的人。好事就是好事,坏事就是坏事,逐一判断好坏的时候,以及做你判断的好事的时候,都得贯彻从你胸中涌现的热切的情感。我并不是要模仿北见的口头禅,不过你必须有[不管谁怎么说]的决心。 如果你不这么做,即使我和你母亲期望你成为了不起的人,即使你自己也想成为了不起的人,恐怕你只能成为[看起来了不起的人],不能成为真正[了不起的人]。世界上有许多人喜欢表现得让别人觉得他们很了不起,这些人最在意别人怎么看自己,总是忽略了真正的自己、原来的自己是什么样的人。我不希望你成为这样的人。 所以,小哥白尼,我再重复一次,你必须珍惜自己的感受和深深感动的事。不要忘记这些事,而且要认真思考这些事的意义。”


    “小哥白尼,随着你长大成人,你会渐渐知道:贫穷的人在生活中基本上都很自卑。褴楼的衣衫、脏乱的家,还有每天简单的食物,都很容易就让他们无地自容。当然,也有生来贫穷但依然很自信的高尚入士,但在这世上,很多人都会在有钱人面前完全抬不起头来,好像自己低人一等,只会胡乱点头哈腰。这种人自然得不到别人的尊重,倒不是因为他们没钱,而是因为他们卑怯的性格,受人蔑视也没办法。但是,小哥白尼,就算是自導心很强的人,一旦陷入贫穷,也会因某些事而感到自卑,这是人之常情。所以,我们不要忘记时时谨言慎行,以免让他们感到自卑。对于人来说,再没有什么比自尊心受伤更糟糕的体验了。贫穷的人常会有那样糟糕的体验,因此千万不能在无意中伤害他们容易受伤的自尊心。   从道理上说,就算贫穷,也不应该因此而自卑。人真正的价值并不存在于穿着、住宅和食物中。无论穿着多么名贵的衣服、住着多么奢华的宅邸,笨蛋就是笨蛋,小人就是小人,作为人的价值不会因此而提高。若是心灵高洁、博学多闻的人,即使贫穷、也是值得尊敬的、了不起的人。因此,若人为自己拥有的价值抱有真正的自信,那么无论境遇如何,都可以生得心如止水。作为人,在贫穷的境中不该看低自己,在富移的生活中也不要自以为是。自始至终,我们都必须着眼于自己作为人的价值。如果还因贫穷而自卑,就证明作为人还远未合格。”


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  6. Thrilling Breakthroughs and Iconic Franchises in the World of Digital Entertainment

    In the fluid domain of videogames, there’s continuously something groundbreaking and engaging on the brink. From enhancements improving beloved staples to upcoming launches in celebrated series, the videogame industry is flourishing as in recent memory.

    We’ll take a snapshot into the newest updates and specific the iconic titles captivating enthusiasts worldwide.

    Newest News

    1. New Customization for Skyrim Enhances NPC Visuals
    A freshly-launched mod for Skyrim has captured the notice of players. This modification brings lifelike faces and dynamic hair for every non-player characters, improving the title’s graphics and immersion.

    2. Total War Series Title Situated in Star Wars Universe World in Development

    The Creative Assembly, known for their Total War series, is said to be developing a new release located in the Star Wars Setting realm. This exciting integration has fans eagerly anticipating the analytical and immersive gameplay that Total War experiences are known for, finally placed in a realm distant.

    3. GTA VI Release Communicated for Autumn 2025
    Take-Two’s CEO’s Leader has communicated that GTA VI is set to release in Autumn 2025. With the colossal popularity of its prior release, Grand Theft Auto V, fans are eager to see what the next installment of this legendary universe will deliver.

    4. Growth Strategies for Skull and Bones 2nd Season
    Studios of Skull and Bones have announced enhanced plans for the experience’s Season Two. This swashbuckling saga promises upcoming content and changes, sustaining players captivated and absorbed in the world of oceanic piracy.

    5. Phoenix Labs Studio Deals with Staff Cuts

    Sadly, not everything updates is uplifting. Phoenix Labs Studio, the studio responsible for Dauntless, has announced significant workforce reductions. Notwithstanding this setback, the release persists to be a iconic selection across enthusiasts, and the team continues to be attentive to its playerbase.

    Iconic Games

    1. The Witcher 3
    With its captivating plot, engrossing world, and compelling experience, The Witcher 3 continues to be a revered title across fans. Its expansive story and expansive free-roaming environment keep to attract gamers in.

    2. Cyberpunk 2077
    Regardless of a problematic arrival, Cyberpunk Game keeps a much-anticipated game. With ongoing patches and adjustments, the game continues to progress, presenting players a look into a high-tech environment abundant with mystery.

    3. Grand Theft Auto V

    Yet time post its debut arrival, Grand Theft Auto 5 keeps a iconic option within gamers. Its sprawling free-roaming environment, enthralling narrative, and online features maintain fans returning for ongoing explorations.

    4. Portal
    A legendary problem-solving release, Portal is renowned for its revolutionary mechanics and clever map design. Its complex obstacles and clever writing have established it as a noteworthy title in the digital entertainment world.

    5. Far Cry 3 Game
    Far Cry Game is praised as among the finest entries in the brand, providing players an sandbox journey rife with excitement. Its immersive narrative and renowned figures have solidified its status as a cherished experience.

    6. Dishonored
    Dishonored Series is hailed for its covert mechanics and one-of-a-kind world. Fans take on the persona of a otherworldly executioner, experiencing a metropolis rife with political danger.

    7. Assassin’s Creed

    As a segment of the acclaimed Assassin’s Creed Universe franchise, Assassin’s Creed is cherished for its captivating experience, engaging features, and historical realms. It keeps a remarkable title in the universe and a favorite within players.

    In closing, the realm of interactive entertainment is flourishing and ever-changing, with fresh advan

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  11. I highly advise to avoid this site. My personal experience with it was nothing but dismay along with doubts about scamming practices. Be extremely cautious, or even better, look for a more reputable service to meet your needs.

  12. Euro 2024: Đức – Nước Chủ Nhà Chắc Chắn

    Đức, một quốc gia với truyền thống bóng đá vững vàng, tự hào đón chào sự kiện bóng đá lớn nhất châu Âu – UEFA Euro 2024. Đây không chỉ là cơ hội để thể hiện khả năng tổ chức tuyệt vời mà còn là dịp để giới thiệu văn hóa và sức mạnh thể thao của Đức đến với thế giới.

    Đội tuyển Đức, cùng với 23 đội tuyển khác, sẽ tham gia cuộc đua hấp dẫn này, mang đến cho khán giả những trận đấu kịch tính và đầy cảm xúc. Đức không chỉ là nước chủ nhà mà còn là ứng cử viên mạnh mẽ cho chức vô địch với đội hình mạnh mẽ và lối chơi bóng đá hấp dẫn.

    Bên cạnh những ứng viên hàng đầu như Đức, Pháp, Tây Ban Nha hay Bỉ, Euro 2024 còn là cơ hội để những đội tuyển nhỏ hơn như Iceland, Wales hay Áo tỏa sáng, mang đến những bất ngờ và thách thức cho các đối thủ lớn.

    Đức, với nền bóng đá giàu truyền thống và sự nhiệt huyết của người hâm mộ, hứa hẹn sẽ là điểm đến lý tưởng cho Euro 2024. Khán giả sẽ được chứng kiến những trận đấu đỉnh cao, những bàn thắng đẹp và những khoảnh khắc không thể quên trong lịch sử bóng đá châu Âu.

    Với sự tổ chức tuyệt vời và sự hăng say của tất cả mọi người, Euro 2024 hứa hẹn sẽ là một sự kiện đáng nhớ, đem lại niềm vui và sự phấn khích cho hàng triệu người hâm mộ bóng đá trên khắp thế giới.

    Euro 2024 không chỉ là giải đấu bóng đá, mà còn là một cơ hội để thể hiện đẳng cấp của bóng đá châu Âu. Đức, với truyền thống lâu đời và sự chuyên nghiệp, chắc chắn sẽ mang đến một sự kiện hoành tráng và không thể quên. Hãy cùng chờ đợi và chia sẻ niềm hân hoan của người hâm mộ trên toàn thế giới khi Euro 2024 sắp diễn ra tại Đức!

  13. Ordering Weed within the country using Telegram
    In recent years, purchasing weed through Telegram has evolved into very popular and has changed the way weed is acquired, provided, and the battle for excellence. Every trader competes for customers because there is no space for faults. Only the best endure.

    Telegrass Buying – How to Order via Telegrass?
    Ordering cannabis through Telegrass is extremely straightforward and quick using the Telegram app. In minutes, you can have your purchase coming to your house or anywhere you are.

    All You Need:

    get the Telegram app.
    Swiftly register with SMS verification using Telegram (your number will not show up if you set it this way in the settings to enjoy total discretion and secrecy).
    Commence browsing for suppliers through the search engine in the Telegram app (the search bar can be found at the upper part of the app).
    After you have located a supplier, you can start messaging and start the discussion and purchasing process.
    Your product is on its way to you, delight in!
    It is advised to check out the piece on our site.

    Click Here

    Acquire Cannabis in the country via Telegram
    Telegrass is a community network for the distribution and sale of weed and other light drugs within the country. This is done through the Telegram app where texts are fully encrypted. Dealers on the platform offer quick cannabis shipments with the option of giving critiques on the excellence of the material and the dealers individually. It is estimated that Telegrass’s revenue is about 60 million NIS a per month and it has been used by more than 200,000 Israelis. According to law enforcement reports, up to 70% of drug trade in the country was conducted via Telegrass.

    The Authorities Battle
    The Israel Police are working to counteract cannabis trafficking on the Telegrass system in various ways, including deploying covert officers. On March 12, 2019, following an secret operation that went on about a year and a half, the authorities detained 42 senior members of the group, such as the founder of the group who was in Ukraine at the time and was let go under house arrest after four months. He was returned to Israel following a legal decision in Ukraine. In March 2020, the Central District Court ruled that Telegrass could be regarded as a illegal group and the group’s creator, Amos Dov Silver, was accused with operating a criminal organization.

    Telegrass was created by Amos Dov Silver after serving several sentences for small illegal drug activities. The network’s title is derived from the combination of the words Telegram and grass. After his discharge from prison, Silver emigrated to the United States where he started a Facebook page for weed commerce. The page allowed weed traders to employ his Facebook wall under a false name to promote their wares. They interacted with clients by tagging his profile and even posted photos of the product offered for purchase. On the Facebook page, about 2 kilograms of weed were sold every day while Silver did not participate in the business or get payment for it. With the growth of the network to about 30 marijuana traders on the page, Silver decided in March 2017 to shift the business to the Telegram app known as Telegrass. Within a week of its creation, thousands joined the Telegrass platform. Other notable participants

  14. Purchase Weed Israel: A Comprehensive Manual to Buying Weed in Israel
    Recently, the expression “Buy Weed Israel” has become a synonym with an new, easy, and simple approach of buying weed in Israel. Leveraging applications like the Telegram app, individuals can rapidly and smoothly navigate through an extensive range of options and countless offers from diverse vendors across the country. All that stands between you from joining the weed market in Israel to explore alternative approaches to buy your cannabis is get a simple, safe platform for confidential conversations.

    What is Buy Weed Israel?
    The phrase “Buy Weed Israel” no longer refers only to the automated system that connected clients with sellers run by Amos Silver. After its shutdown, the phrase has transformed into a widespread concept for organizing a link with a weed supplier. Via platforms like Telegram, one can discover numerous platforms and communities ranked by the number of followers each provider’s channel or group has. Vendors vie for the interest and custom of possible clients, leading to a wide array of choices offered at any given time.

    Methods to Find Suppliers Via Buy Weed Israel
    By inputting the term “Buy Weed Israel” in the Telegram search bar, you’ll locate an countless quantity of communities and networks. The follower count on these groups does not automatically validate the provider’s trustworthiness or recommend their services. To bypass rip-offs or poor-quality merchandise, it’s advisable to buy exclusively from trusted and well-known providers from that you’ve acquired in the past or who have been recommended by peers or reliable sources.

    Recommended Buy Weed Israel Groups
    We have compiled a “Top 10” list of recommended groups and networks on the Telegram platform for acquiring weed in Israel. All vendors have been vetted and confirmed by our staff, assuring 100% trustworthiness and reliableness towards their customers. This detailed overview for 2024 contains references to these groups so you can find out what not to miss.

    ### Boutique Club – VIPCLUB
    The “VIP Association” is a VIP marijuana club that has been selective and confidential for new joiners over the past few terms. Throughout this span, the group has evolved into one of the most systematized and suggested entities in the field, giving its members a new age of “online coffee shops.” The club defines a high standard in relation to other competitors with high-grade specialized goods, a broad selection of varieties with hermetically sealed containers, and supplementary marijuana items such as essences, CBD, consumables, vape pens, and resin. Moreover, they provide rapid shipping around the clock.

    ## Summary
    “Buy Weed Israel” has turned into a main means for organizing and finding cannabis vendors quickly and conveniently. Through Buy Weed Israel, you can experience a new universe of possibilities and locate the top merchandise with simplicity and convenience. It is important to practice vigilance and purchase exclusively from reliable and endorsed suppliers.

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